Starting Point

Please fill out this form and click submit to join us for a Starting Point Gathering.

Starting Point is a class to meet church leadership and learn the church’s mission, goals and outreach plan. It’s also your first step towards serving in certain areas at IMPACT Church and your path toward church membership.
This class is hosted on a Sunday four times a year after the 10:30 a.m. gathering. Lunch will be provided. Participants must be 18 years or older to attend unless you're accompanying a parent.

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Please fill out this form and click submit to join us for a Starting Point Gathering.

Starting Point is a class to meet church leadership and learn the church’s mission, goals and outreach plan. It’s also your first step towards serving in certain areas at IMPACT Church and your path toward church membership.
This class is hosted on a Sunday four times a year after the 10:30 a.m. gathering. Lunch will be provided. Participants must be 18 years or older to attend unless you're accompanying a parent.

We'll get back to you with more details soon.